Price per KM represents the base reward including the market change. For each Cargo Trucky can predict with a good approximation how much a job based on its distance will pay considering all bonues. Other costs like fines, transports, tollgates, fuel, renting are not included.
PriceLe prix pear KMkm repreésents the base reward including the market change. For each Cargoe la récompense de base incluant le changement du marché. Pour chaque cargaison, Trucky canpeut preédict with a good approximation how much a job based on its distance will pay considering allre avec une bonne approximation combien une mission, basée sur sa distance, rapportera en tenant compte de tous les bonues. OtherD'autres cosûts like fincomme les amendes, le transports, tollgates, fuel, renting are notles péages, le carburant et la location ne sont pas includeds.
Price per KM represents the base reward including the market change. For each Cargo Trucky can predict with a good approximation how much a job based on its distance will pay considering all bonues. Other costs like fines, transports, tollgates, fuel, renting are not included.
Price per KM represents the base reward including the market change. For each Cargo Trucky can predict with a good approximation how much a job based on its distance will pay considering all bonues. Other costs like fines, transports, tollgates, fuel, renting are not included.
PriceLe prix pearKMkm repreésents the base reward including the market change. For each Cargoe la récompense de base incluant le changement du marché. Pour chaque cargaison, Truckycanpeut preédict with a good approximation how much a job based on its distance will pay considering allre avec une bonne approximation combien une mission, basée sur sa distance, rapportera en tenant compte de tous les bonues.OtherD'autres cosûtslike fincomme les amendes, le transports,tollgates, fuel, renting are notles péages, le carburant et la location ne sont pas includeds.