Translation changed Trucky / Trucky for Windows, Web, Mobile app — Norwegian Bokmål |
String updated in the repository Trucky / Trucky for Windows, Web, Mobile app — Norwegian Bokmål |
Translation changed Trucky / Trucky for Windows, Web, Mobile app — Norwegian Bokmål |
String updated in the repository Trucky / Trucky for Windows, Web, Mobile app — Norwegian Bokmål |
ces per KM represents the base reward including the market chaerer grunnbelønningen inkludert markedsendringer. Foreach Cargo Trucky can predict with ahver last kan Trucky med goodapproximation how much a job based on its distance will pay consideringtilnærmelse forutsi hvor mye et oppdrag basert på avstanden vil koste med tanke på alle bonues. Other costs like finesser. Andre kostnader som bøter, transports,tollgates, fuel, renting are notbompenger, drivstoff og leie er ikke inckludedrt.