Salaries are calculated based on the settings you choose and based on previous 7 days from now (for Percentage on Revenue and Reward per KM salary types). The amount calculated now could be not the same calculated on next Monday.
Salaries are calculated based on the settings you choose and based on previous 7 days from now (for Percentage on Revenue and Reward per KM salary types). The amount calculated now could be not the same calculated on next MondayЗаплатите се изчисляват въз основа на избраните от вас настройки и въз основа на предходните 7 дни от сега (за типове заплати Процент върху приходите и Възнаграждение за KM). Сумата, изчислена сега, може да не е същата като изчислената следващия понеделник.
Salaries are calculated based on the settings you choose and based on previous 7 days from now (for Percentage on Revenue and Reward per KM salary types). The amount calculated now could be not the same calculated on next Monday.
Salaries are calculated based on the settings you choose and based on previous 7 days from now (for Percentage on Revenue and Reward per KM salary types). The amount calculated now could be not the same calculated on next Monday.
Salaries are calculated based on the settings you choose and based on previous 7 days from now (for Percentage on Revenue and Reward per KM salary types). The amount calculated now could be not the same calculated on next MondayЗаплатите се изчисляват въз основа на избраните от вас настройки и въз основа на предходните 7 дни от сега (за типове заплати Процент върху приходите и Възнаграждение за KM). Сумата, изчислена сега, може да не е същата като изчислената следващия понеделник.