Translation uploaded Trucky / Trucky for Windows, Web, Mobile app — Chinese (Traditional) |
String updated in the repository Trucky / Trucky for Windows, Web, Mobile app — Chinese (Traditional) |
is a mobile and desktop application enabling remote control from your phone directly to the game. The special integration Trucky has, exchange game data and events with your phone animating your custom buttons. From Touch Portal you can control many Trucky features like traffic reports and video capture without using the hotkeys.是一款手機和桌面應用程式,可以讓您由手機直接遙控遊戲。Trucky 具有特殊的整合功能,可以讓您的遊戲與手機交換資料和事件,讓您可以自訂按鈕動畫。您可以從 Touch Portal 控制許多 Trucky 功能,例如報告交通路況和錄影,而不需使用熱鍵。