These settings will overwrite Discord Rich Presence Application IDs for all your Company Members. After changed them, you may restart Trucky to take effect
These settings will overwrite Discord Rich Presence Application IDs for all your Company Members. After changed them, you may restart Trucky to take effect这些设置将覆盖所有公司成员的Discord Rich Presence应用程序的ID。更改后,你可以重新启动Trucky,使之生效
Price per KM represents the base reward including the market change. For each Cargo Trucky can predict with a good approximation how much a job based on its distance will pay considering all bonues. Other costs like fines, transports, tollgates, fuel, renting are not included.
Price per KM represents the base reward including the market change. For each Cargo Trucky can predict with a good approximation how much a job based on its distance will pay considering all bonues. Other costs like fines, transports, tollgates, fuel, renting are not included.每公里的价格代表包括市场变化在内的基本报酬。对于每个货物,Trucky可以很好地根据其距离预测并考虑到所有奖金,一个工作将支付多少钱。其他费用,如罚款、交通费、路费、燃料、租金等不包括在内。
Job Resumed已恢复的的工作